Letters From Inside the Prison

When someone goes to prison, we don't expect it to be like attending a country club. The media often paints famous prisons like a stay at summer camp. The truth is that Texas prisons are FAR from any vacation. In fact, they are a business established to keep people in as long a possible and consider it a victory when someone returns.

These letters are written by those who have first-hand experience as a prisoner to the atrocities going on each day. They tell of inhumane treatment by those in charge to people that were entrusted to ensure basic rights as a human.

January 11th, 2019

In my last chapter, I wrote about how the Puppetmasters didn’t take into account where they were going to find all the guards they would need to fill over one hundred prisons. And to this very day...

January 4th, 2019

I wish I could have confined the shortcomings of the Dirty Darrington to just one chapter. Alas, it’ll take at least two. We saw last time that laundry, food service, housing, and transportation wer...

December 28th, 2018

I’d written a few chapters ago about our medical department and a nurse that works here, but I also wanted to show how the Texas prison system will steal from the tax payers. The depth of their hear...

December 21st, 2018

It used to be that one consoling statement you might hear a condemned prisoner utter as he was cuffed by the bailiff to begin his sentence would be, “Well, at least I can get my teeth fixed.” This...

December 14th, 2018

The vistation room in a penitentiary doesn’t follow the same laws of time as the rest of the universe. A two-hour visit passes in the same amount of time as a commercial break on the television, whi...

December 7th, 2018

I’ve been promising to write for some time about the way-station all the inmates in this region of the TDCJ must pass through when either coming or going to Huntsville or, more importantly, the hosp...

November 30th, 2018

Eventually, I’m going to continue with my history of the problems the TDCJ has in keeping its “treatment industrial complex” running, but first I wanted to bring up a few things that have meant ...

November 23rd, 2018

Although I lost everything I owned when I came to prison, I immediately began to accumulate more stuff- the meager bit of personal property that the TDCJ will allow me to have now that I’m incarcera...

November 16th, 2018

This seems like the perfect time to tell you about the day that turned me into a “writ-writer”, or “jailhouse lawyer”. Why? Because one of the authors of one of the worst days of my life has j...

November 9th, 2018

Allow me to show you how insane our medical system can be inside the Texas prisons. Back before the David Ruiz lawsuit, when an inmate showed up to the medical department, instead of being seen by ...

November 2nd, 2018

I am at the Stevenson Unit my first day, and I get off the bus, and I notice right away that it’s really clean down here. Of course, we have to strip out again, but by now, I’m used to this. Then,...

October 26th, 2018

The Stevenson Unit was built in 1994. “Inmate.com”, what we like to call the rumor mill around here, informs me that this unit has a shelf-life of 20 years. For those of you, like me, that are not...

Total: 278


The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez