Letters From Inside the Prison

When someone goes to prison, we don't expect it to be like attending a country club. The media often paints famous prisons like a stay at summer camp. The truth is that Texas prisons are FAR from any vacation. In fact, they are a business established to keep people in as long a possible and consider it a victory when someone returns.

These letters are written by those who have first-hand experience as a prisoner to the atrocities going on each day. They tell of inhumane treatment by those in charge to people that were entrusted to ensure basic rights as a human.

September 13th, 2019

Sitting in the background watching the people in prison through the years has been quite entertaining, as well as frustrating. Believe me, the funniest reality show you could ever imagine should be fi...

September 6th, 2019

Throughout history in the Texas prison system the prisoners have been used for everything you can imagine. I’ve Written
 a lot about these things in some of my previous chapters, but
 the Steven...

August 30th, 2019

I was asked to tell another personal story about my life. As I have said before, I grew UP in a family that was anything but normal. Don’t get me wrong, my family has a lot of love for one another, ...

August 23rd, 2019

One constant that I’ve been dealing with since the first day after I was sentenced to 15 years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is noise. Noise is everywhere except perhaps isolation, and...

August 18th, 2019

How I wound up on what must be the only county club prison in Texas is beyond my pay-grade, but there can be no question that I am inexpressibly grateful. Is it possible that some bureaucrat has been ...

August 16th, 2019

As the brutal 70’s ended and the deadly 8O’s and 90’s took over with so many killings in the prison system, being incarcerated was like living in a warzone. During all of this mayhem, the Puppet...

August 9th, 2019

There is a saying that I have heard throughout my life, “Everybody has a story,” which is very true. I have traveled 
much in my life and have had the opportunity to meet many people, so I do kn...

August 2nd, 2019

I have written about several things throughout my book that mean alot to me. I have felt many different emotions that have made me wonder about life and the true meaning of family and friends. Some ch...

July 26th, 2019

I have wondered many times why so many people in life don’t want to make a positive change in themselves. I look at all the people around me in prison and sometimes I am in awe at the complete disre...

July 19th, 2019

It was a little past 10:30 at night on Thursday, July 26, 2018. I’d been incarcerated now 4,561 days. On October 6th, it’ll be an even 13 years - Over 85% of my fifteen year sentence. I surely was...

July 5th, 2019

In my writings, I’ve talked about how the Puppet Masters have used their power to manipulate, control, and abuse the prisoners and use us as their personal slaves. Now, however, I want to show every...

June 28th, 2019

I sit in my cell and look at the TDCJ’s history of total disrespect for anyone under their care, and as I have written in my past chapters, it’s not just us, the prisoners. It is also our families...

Total: 278


The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez