Prisoners Requiring Medical Attention

No prisoner must be booked into jail who exhibits obvious indications of serious injury or sickness. Officers must transport sick or injured prisoners directly to John Peter Smith Hospital for treatment rather than to the jail. If the pris- oner refuses treatment, the officer must bring a copy of the signed statement to that effect from the hospital.

1. The arresting officer is responsible for any property belonging to a prisoner who is transported to the hospital for medical attention. They must take all such property to the jail or Property Room and must indicate on the forms that the prisoner is at the hospital.

2. As soon as practical, the arresting officer will report the circumstances to the jail supervisor and provide the ap- propriate paperwork. The arresting officer will notify the jail supervisor where the prisoner is being treated.

B. When a prisoner is transported to the jail who appears to be injured, and has not been taken to the hospital for exami- nation and/or treatment, the jail supervisor on duty must examine the prisoner and direct the arresting officer to transport the prisoner to the hospital if necessary.

C. Prisoners who are injured or sick and must be held in John Peter Smith Hospital for an extended period of time may be booked out of custody but must be turned over to the county officers to be guarded only after a case is filed.

D. Hospital guard duty is the responsibility of the division that actually affects the arrest. Sergeants will be responsible for scheduling officers to work hospital guard duty until either the case is filed or the prisoner is released from the hospital to be placed in jail.

The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez